The Process of Learning
The knowledge of the process of
learning is the basis to understand and use personal potential in life to
achieve positive results in all careers, both at school and work; a constructive
comparison, by exchanging reciprocal experience as a chance of mutual enrichment
in terms of culture and skills, is necessary in life.
Learning is composed of three inseparable stages:
1. Transmission of data to the outside: Transfer or External moment;
2. Reception, Elaboration and Memorization of data: Self Transfer or
Internal moment;
3. Transmission of data to the outside: Transfer or External moment.
The learner as a student, worker or performer and the teacher as a source of
information, may play different roles according to the three different moments:
1. External moment: The learner is the addressee of the teacher's information
whereas the teacher is obviously the addresser1;
2. Internal moment: The learner receives the teacher's information and
reacts through elaborating, memorizing and internalising it;
3. External moment: The learner is the transmitter of the information marked by
his own personality; the learner becomes addresser whereas the teacher, as a
potential audience, becomes the addressee.
Learning may be compared to computer processing:
1. External Moment: Output: Emission of data;
2. Internal Moment: Input: Insertion of data;
3. External Moment: Output: Emission of data;
The three moments are connected together by the communication of information:
1. External Moment: The learner receives communication from others;
2. Internal Moment: The learner communicates within himself;
3. External Moment: The learner communicates with others.
It is important to analyse the three stages of learning.
External Moment
The teacher, the trainer, the videotape and audiotape are sources of information
because they transmit audio-visual data such as voices, sounds, writings, and
images. These sources play an active role in learning as they communicate with
the learner in an accessible way. For example, the manager's language to explain
to his employees the content of economic laws should be suitable to the occasion.
So the possibility of the intelligibility of a message depends on the language
used by the transmitter, both in form and content and in manner and matter: the
language should change according to the features of the audience regarding
culture, beliefs, age: major intelligibility gives major understanding.
The communication of the message between the speaker and the listener, or the
writer and the reader, occurs when the message is transferred from the
addresser to the addressee. The aim of the message is its own transmission.
The communication of the message occurs when the message itself is received in
its right meaning:
Meaning of Transmission: A
Meaning of Reception: A.
The communication of the message does not occur when the message itself is not
received in its right meaning:
Meaning of Transmission: A
Meaning of Reception: B.
Internal Moment
Observing the learner as the addressee of the message is studying his reaction
to external information: the learner's behaviour may be characterized by
initiative or not. The learner has no initiative when he just receives and accepts
information from the transmitter.
The learner's predisposition to receive depends on his willingness and interest
in the topic:
Major willingness and interest mean major predisposition to receive;
Minor willingness and interest mean minor predisposition to receive.
When the learner
has neither willingness nor interest the message is not received even when it is
clear and comprehensible. The teacher can arouse the learner's motivation by
joining theory to practice, learning to living: the teacher should teach how to
translate school-skills into work-skills and life-skills. The learner may be
broad-minded or narrow-minded in his inner acceptance or refusal of the
external message,
The learner's inner acceptance or refusal may be disclosed by his posture as the
physical manifestation to express broad/narrow-mindedness. The interviewee's
head, looking down, and his folded arms may be the display of the rejection of
communication: the interviewee does not show his intention of listening to the
interviewer as well as his intention of being listened to by the interviewer.
The interviewee's correct posture may be the display of the realization of the
communication with the external world: the interviewee shows his assertiveness
in his intention of paying attention to the interviewer and of attracting
the interviewer's attention. The features of the ideal physical attendance in
Counselling are contained in the acronym SOLER: Squarely, Open, Leaning forward,
Eye contact and Relaxed (Egan, G. 1998).
The learner has initiative when he elaborates external information by
personalizing it.
The learner, as the student, learns or studies in this way:
1. He gathers the external data concerning a particular topic;
2. He selects data;
3. He puts data in a logical, chronological, alphabetical sequence;
4. He associates data for differences or similarities.
The learner memorizes when through the reiteration of a particular subject he
can remember it not only for himself but also for others at the right time and
place. Learning is completely useless if the learner cannot communicate it both
in an oral and written form.-The way of
receiving, elaborating and memorizing data depends on the personality of the
student and changes according to it. The teacher's message is one for all
students but each student receives it differently, by transforming it in
connection with his personal knowledge, ability, aptitude, habits and goals.
External Moment
The learner becomes the addresser of information
when he communicates to an audience the message regarding his memorised
learning, received and elaborated. The student has to transmit his message to
the teacher to accomplish his daily tasks or to get a good mark in his essays or
The student's language should be coherent, logical, correct in syntax and if
necessary rich in technical words. The teacher's evaluation is based on the
student's speech, which determines his positive or negative judgement.
Learning is accomplished and useful when the transferring of information is
External Moment: Transfer to the outside Internal Moment: Self-transfer to the inside External moment :
the outside Information should not be kept either by the addresser,
or by the addressee, but it should be transferred by the addressee who becomes
the addresser in his act of transferring the information itself
1 Addresser: the sender of information.
Alessandra d'Epiro Dusmet de Beaulieu
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