Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum
Alexandra d'Epiro Dusmet de Beaulieu
1) High Patronage President of Malta The Presidenial
Palace Valletta Malta, 20 March 2014 International four States Cultural
Historical Conference and Documentary: Italy, Malta, SMOM, Vatican City with
Rome as Culture and History Centre as the Latin-English film climax,
Film Author and Historical Researcher in Diplomacy Collation and Film Director,
"Il Palazzo del Gran Maestro", (Latin-English ) from the documentary
short film produced under the Distinguished Patronage of H.E the President of
Malta, Film Script Literature- Writer and Dramatist ISBN 978-88-903865-5-8
2) Republic of Italy, PRC Cinema Public Register, 20 February
2014 Film Director DIL, Republic of Italy Ministry of Culture Cinema
General Direction N 7515 prot.P16127 C 37-19.00,19/12/2013
3) OPR, Office of the President of Malta Communication, 6 November
2013 I Cavalieri di Malta”( Ministry for Resources anf Infrastructures, Malta
Centre for Restoration Study, L. UNESCO Ambassacor Dr.Raymond Bondin ISBN 978-88-903865-4-1
, “The Knights of Malta, The Grand Master’s Palace, Distinguished Patronage
4) SMOM, Sovereign Military Order of Malta Roma, 12 December
2013, “Anthem” Film Director
5) History, Philology, Paleography, Diplomacy, "USA University
of Wisconsin Press, The First Italy Gertrude Slaughter Translation" ISBN
6) Republic of Italy Ministry of Culture Cinema General Direction 28
November 2012 Film Director
7) Republic of Italy SIAE Liteature, Drama, Cinema Section,
13 July 2012, Film Director
8) Republic of Italy PRC, Cinema Public Register, 5 October
2012 Film Director
9) Roma Capitale Campidoglio, 21 May 2012 “Aléxandros
et Nero” Patronage Film Director, Excerpta USA Drama, Soprintendenza
Speciale Beni Archeologici di Roma, Soprintendenza Beni Archeologici Regione
Lazio, Sovrintendenza Beni Culturali Musei Capitolini, Roma Capitale Cinema
Office Department of Culture, Istanbul Archeology Museum "Alexander the
Great" based on historical sources, languages: Italian, English, French,
German, Spanish, Latin, Old Greek S.G.Università Roma III)Roma Capitale
Campidoglio Patronage "Alexandros et Nero" Film Script -Literature
Writer and Dramatist ISBN 978-88-903865-3-4
10) Roma Capitale Campidoglio 18 May 2012 “Aléxandros et Nero”
Official Website Review, Film Author
11) Roma Capitale Campidoglio Palazzo Senatorio, 5 May 2011,
Film Author and Director
12) Cultural, Education, Linguistic and Literature Essayst “Rivista
Letteratura Contemporanea Englishes-Literary, Linguistic and Intercultural Encounters”,
Dipartimento di Lingue Moderne, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, Università
La Sapienza Roma, SSN 1593-2494: “Counselling”, “Suggestopedia”, “Group Dynamics”,
“The Study of English”, “The Mental Hypertext”, “The Process f Learning”, “Essay
on Shakespeare’s Hamlet”, “Essay on Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar; Man and Power”,
12) Conference “ Society and Law Culture” , Patronages
Senate of the Republic of Italy, Chamber of Deputies, Presidency of the Council
of Ministers, Ministry of Internal Affairs, 28 May 2011 “Culture and
Art” Prize as a Writer, Dramatist and Film Director
13) USA, Washington Copyright Office, TX-445-406 13 July 2010
“Nero” Dramatist and Drama Director " Nel Cuore dell'Impero", Roman
Empire History Lecturer and DocumentaryFilm Director
14) Republic of Italy Ministry of Culture, 15 November 2010
“Nero” Dramatist and Film Director
15) National Committee “Comitato Nazionale per lo Studio del Principio
di Sussidiarietà, Fraternità, Solidarietà ed Uguaglianza
da Leone XIII alla Costituzione Europea” under the High Patronage
of the President of the Republic of Italy and the Ministry of Culture,
with Italian Red Cross, Pantheon Guard of Honour, Italian Officers Union,
Lazio Region, Rome Province, 19 December 2010, Writer, Dramatist,
Film Director, Donation to the Italian Red Cross
16) Historical Literature Essayst “Guardia d’Onore”,
Pantheon Guard of Honour National Institute in Italy, under the Executive
Power of the Ministry of Defence, 2004-2010: “Cascais, Recordome do Rey Umberto”,
“L’Ordine del Collare o della SS Annunziata”,“Deus lo Vult, The Battle of Lepanto”,
“Aretè”, “Jean de la Valette”, “Pentecoste al Pantheon- Maman des Roses”,(
Rome Pantheon Whit Sunday Lecturer of English ) "Maria Josè”, “Genetliaco
SAR”, “Umberto II Padre e Soldato al Quirinale”
17) Roma Capitale Campidoglio, 16 Dicember 2009 “Nero” Patronage
Literature Writer, Dramatist and Drama Director ISBN 978-88-903865-1-0
18)Anzio- Rome Mayor and City Council II World War Historical Novel
and Drama MIBAC, Ministry of Culture “ Beni e Attività Culturali,
Beni Librari”A048241, Six Languages Concert Director 13 December 2008, February
2009 Dramatist and Drama Director
19)Master in Leadership and School Governance, Università
Roma III, AA 2009/2010 Essay on:"Intercultural Leadership, Management and
Governance in Education" ISBN 978-88-903865-6-5
20)Master in “Il Docente Modello di Equilibrio Formativo”,
21)Master in “Il Docente Ricercatore di Modelli per il Miglioramento
della Società”, AA 2007/2008
22)Master in “Il Docente Ricercatore di Laboratori e Formativi”,
AA 2006/2007
23)Post-Lauream Specialization Course in “Valutazione ed Autovalutazione
nella Scuola dell’Autonomia”AA 2005/2006
24)Rotary International, Lions, State Professional Institute
“Marco Gavio Apicio”, Villa Borghese Club, UPTER, Università
Popolare di Roma “Enjoy English”Literature Writer, Preface C. B. University
of Cambridge, 23th March 2006 Anzio-Rome Casinò, ISBN 88-900883-5-4,
English Literature for Secondary Education Schools
25)University of Malta Preface in Alessandra d’Epiro “The Mental
Hypertext, Counseling in Learning as a Lifelong Process” , 2003 Essay Researcher
and Writer ISBN 88 - 87080-99-2
26)Master of Arts in Educational and Career Guidance, Faculty
of Education University of Malta 2001
27)TEFL, Teaching English as a Foreign Language ISE, International
School of English University of Malta,2001
28)English Certificate of Achievement ISE, 2001
29) University Student Faculty of Law AA 1997/2001
30)Competitive Examination for English Culture, Language
and Literature Teaching Winner, Rome 2000
31)NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration USA,
September 1999 Official Interpreter
32)Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Republic of Italy
11 October 1999 “Una Metodologia dell’Apprendimento” Registration, Method of
Study Author, ISBN 88-87080-21-6
33)Winner and Qualified University Competitive Examination in
Historical and Linguistic Area AA 1994/1995
34)Germanic, Romance, Philology, Paleography and Diplomacy Critical
Edition in Foreign Languages, Philology Specialization, First Class Degree Dissertation
cum Laude (july 21st 1993) on Anglican and Roman Church History Gutenberg’s
1500s Printing, "A Mustre of Scismatyke Bysshoppes of Rome", British
Library London UK 14 May 2014 ISBN 978-88-903865-7-2
COPYRIGHT 2006 All rights reserved - Proprietà letteraria ed artistica
riservata Alessandra d'Epiro Dusmet de Beaulieu
no part of this web site pictures, images, articles, books,may be reproduced or
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without permission in writing from the author;every effort has been made to
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